1. Product development process after
analysis of business next step to be taken is
[A] test marketing
[B] penetration marketing
[C] one-channel marketing
[D] individual marketing
2. Which of the following is main objective
of branding?
[A] Customers recognize your logo and
marketing materials
[B] Earn trust from your customers
[C] Promotional materials that match
[D] A unique tagline
3. Which marketing techniques are most
likely to pay you?
[A] Pay click advertising
[B] Using social media marketing
[C] Posting press
[D] Article marketing
4. The best way to make money ‘while you
sleep’ is
[A] up good marketing ideas by
[B] selling stuff
[C] having products on your Web site
[D] spouse who works in the night
5. SEO stands for
[A] Site Engine Optimization
[B] Search Engine Optimization
[C] Site Efficiency Optimization
[D] None of the above
6. _____ social network is considered the
most popular for business-to-business marketing.
[A] Facebook
[B] Orkut
[C] Ryze
[D] Linkedln
7. What is meant by Brand Management?
[A] Managing the marketing staff
[B] Management of the marketing
[C] The company executive
[D] Creating
a consistent image for
the company
8. Domain authority is managed by
[A] Moz
[B] Yahoo
[C] Bing
[D] Google
9. SEP stands for
[A] Self-employed Marketers
[B] Search Engine Marketing
[C] Search Employed Page
[D] Special Emerging Product
10. The purpose of segmentation is to _____
the changing pattern of consumers.
[A] measure
[B] access
[C] identify
[D] usage rate